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LendBucks offers financing solutions for motor vehicles and assets

Car Loans

-If you have found a car and are looking for financing -Loan for any age and model car -Loan amount up to KES 2,500,000 -Flexible loan repayment period of up to 60 months -Loan approval in 24 hours -First deposit only 20 %

Logbook Loans

-If you have found a car and are looking for financing -Loan for any age and model car -Loan amount up to KES 2,500,000 -Flexible loan repayment period of up to 60 months -Loan approval in 24 hours -First deposit only 20 %

Boda Loans

-If you have found a car and are looking for financing -Loan for any age and model car -Loan amount up to KES 2,500,000 -Flexible loan repayment period of up to 60 months -Loan approval in 24 hours -First deposit only 20 %

Welcome to LendBucks - Your trusted Financing Partner

Lendbucks provides affordable financing options for used cars, logbook loans, Boda Boda, Tuk Tuk loans for Africans.

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Stories and information to help you plan, prepare and protect what matters most.

Tell us about yourself. We'll listen And then work with you to make sure you've got

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